

Admission is arranged following a pre-screening and orientation process that may be initiated through a simple phone call to our office. The minimum stay is negotiable; however, staff usually recommends a stay of at least 90 days.


The treatment program at Gateway is based on individual recovery plans. These sessions are repeated, thus allowing residents to receive the information more than once.

Sample topics include:

  • Sobriety,
  • Spiritual and Emotional Well-Being,
  • Mental Health,
  • Physical Health, and
  • Establishing Short- and Long-Term Goals.

Benefits for women in recovery

  • Professional individual counseling,
  • Daily education/ discussion groups,
  • Structured daily activities,
  • Regular physical exercise,
  • Introduction to and regular attendance at 12-step meetings,
  • HIV/AIDS education,
  • Aftercare and transition support

These are among the many resources available through Gateway Recovery. Additionally, new sessions are always being created, directed toward developing new social skills while learning and practicing new coping behaviors.

Family Recovery Program

A woman's role in the family (mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend) often means her disease has had a profound effect on her loved ones. This situation, un-aided, can easily lead to the collapse of the family, divorce, or even problematic child behavior.

The untreated family of an alcoholic or drug addict puts added stress on the newly recovering person. Everyone who is a member of a chemically dependant family needs and deserves recovery. Gateway assists our residents and their families toward recovery through education and group counseling specifically for family issues.