Testimonials from our clients...
Gateway helped save my life! B.T. 1/19
I am grateful for Gateway and the staff for helping me start to heal and for the foundaiton of recovery I now have. S.T. 11/17
Gateway allowed me an opportunity to bond with other strong women. The counselors have taught me how to forgive myself, love myself and gave me hope that I too can be strong and patient through my toughest day. I will never forget the lessons that I have learned. P.S. 10/17
As a result of recovery I choose to be the amazing mom my children deserve. I am in control of my choices and my destiny and am excited about the next chapter of my life as a clean and sober woman. K.H. 8/17
My journey to Gateway has been an experience of a lifetime for me. The roads I've crossed to arrive here have been life changing for me. Sobriety has allowed me an opportunity to overcome my fears and practice acceptance. H.H. 7/17